Slim Girls With Big Tits
In defiance of all odds. We bring together: slim (or skinny) girls and natural big tits. To create the one and only. SGWBT!
Trending Groups
There's more where these came from.

Important Groups

Verified SGWBT

Arab Girls

Asian Girls

Black Girls

Brazilian Girls

Jewish Girls

Latina Girls

Mixed / Bi-Racial Girls

White Girls


Frequently Asked Questions
Who are allowed to create groups ?
Only registered users can create groups.
What kind of groups am I allowed to create ?
1. Group dedicated to a specific girl.
2. Group dedicated to a (SGWBT) niche. (ex. SGWBT in Bikinis, Vintage SGWBT, etc.)
2. Group dedicated to a (SGWBT) niche. (ex. SGWBT in Bikinis, Vintage SGWBT, etc.)
What is the most amount of files that I can post at once ?
What is the max file upload size ?
100MB for Guests
256MB for Registered Users
1GB for PRO Users
(Use external file host for larger files)
256MB for Registered Users
1GB for PRO Users
(Use external file host for larger files)
How many groups am I allowed to join ?
Registered Users - 1000
Guests - 50
Guests - 50
Are there any actual girls on the site ?
All verified girls will have a "Verified SGWBT" badge.
Are fake (enhanced) breasts allowed ?
Absolutely not! 100% Natural breasts only.
What size should my group icon and cover be ?
Icon - 500x500
Cover - 400x180
Cover - 400x180
How to mass delete messages in my group ?
1. Go to the options tab in your groups info panel. Select "Delete Msgs" button. (WARNING: This will delete every single message that was ever sent!)
2. Whilst inside your group select the "Boxxed" icon next to the search icon. Simply, select all of the messages that you want to delete. After that press the "X" icon to confirm deletion. Once you're done press the "Boxxed" icon again. (NOTE: This allows you to mass delete specific messages!)
2. Whilst inside your group select the "Boxxed" icon next to the search icon. Simply, select all of the messages that you want to delete. After that press the "X" icon to confirm deletion. Once you're done press the "Boxxed" icon again. (NOTE: This allows you to mass delete specific messages!)
How to assign moderators in my group ?
Whilst in your group click on the profile of the person you would like to promote. In the options tab click "edit group role". From there you can select whether to make them a group Admin or Moderator. (Also, to demote them back down to member.)